FOR SALE - Kingsmill Crossroads, Kingsmill Road, Whitecross. Co.Armagh BT60 2SX
Stables & Sheds on C.2 Acres of land
Size: Stables:1812Sqft Shed: 2793Sqft.
Location: Opposite of no.68 Kingsmill Road, Whitecross. BT60 2SX.
Description: 9no.stables and large shed with concrete yard. Lands are well watered and fenced with gated entrance to the yard and having road frontage to the Kingsmill Road & Drumnahunshin Road. Located in the countryside and only being 1 mile from Whitecross and 4 miles from Bessbrook. (This sale is chainfree)
These particulars are given on the understanding that they will not be construed as part of a contract lease or agreement. The information given is believed to be correct, but we give no guarantee as to it’s accuracy and enquirers must satisfy themselves as to the description and measurements. Please note plans, maps and images are not to scale.
Collins & Collins Estate Agents are now in receipt of an offer for the sum of (£69,500.00) for Kingsmill Crossroads. Anyone wishing to place an offer on the property should contact Collins & Collins Estate Agents, 11 Marcus Street, NEwry Co.Down BT34 1ET, 028 30266602 before exchange of contracts.